Frameworks for feedback for managers
Rebecca Miller-webster
Director of Engineering
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Improving your skills, developing and managing your career is an ongoing process for modern CTO. Here we discuss: what should a CTO do, how to plan your career, improve effectiveness and personal productivity, and other topics that will be useful for engineering leaders focused on personal and professional growth.
Stacy Gorelik, Director of Engineering at Flatiron
Edith Harbaugh, CEO at LaunchDarkly
Angie Ruan, SVP Technology at Nasdaq
Robert Stewart, CTO at Castlight Health
Heather Rivers, CTO at Mode Analytics
Julia Grace, Senior Director of Infrastructure Engineering at Slack
Jez Humble, CTO at DevOps Research and Assessment
Laks Srini, CTO at Zenefits
Cathy Polinsky, CTO at Stitch Fix
Eddy Reyes, CTO & Co-founder at Mindsight Co.
Marcus Carey, Founder & CEO at Threatcare

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