Measuring Outcomes vs Inputs
Johnny ray Austin
How can you best measure the effectiveness of your engineering team? Lines of Code written? Number of PR’s? There are absolutely some input metrics that can have some value, but we don’t hire engineers to write code, we hire them to solve business problems. In this discussion Johnny Ray Austin, CTO at Till shares his experiences of managing his org by focusing on the outcomes produced rather than the inputs delivered.
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Christine Spang, Cofounder and CTO at Nylas
Michael Machado, Head of Product at DevRev
Jossie Haines, Executive Coach/Technical Advisor at Jossie Haines Consulting
Jesse White, Chief Technical Officer at The OpenNMS Group
Raffi Krikorian , CTO at Emerson Collective
Ron Lichty, Interim VP Eng at Ron Lichty Consulting
Maher Saba, VP of Remote Presence / Head of Eng at Meta
Steven Gaffney, President and CEO at Steven Gaffney Company
Vidal Graupera, Engineering Manager — Productivity Tools UI/UX at LinkedIn
Mark Porter, CTO at MongoDB
Mindaugas Mozūras, VP of Engineering at Vinted

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