Building Trust in Machine Learning with Business Stakeholders
Chris Lacava
VP of Product
Machine learning is often received with skepticism by business stakeholders. How can ML be presented in a way that non-data scientist stakeholders can assess it's output objectively and build confidence in it's application? We'll review techniques, pit falls and examples of creating model comparison analysis solutions for business use cases that take a hybrid approach. We'll explore ways that ML can live alongside established analytics processes harmoniously along with other strategies that foster adoption of ML among business stakeholders. Chris LaCava, VP of Product, Expero - Recorded for the online CTO Summit on Tuesday July 13th, 2021 on building a data science team -
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Heidi Helfand, Director of R&D, Excellence at Procore
Matthew Skelton, Coauthor at Team Topologies
Jonathan Lenaghan, Director of Engineering at Datadog
Jon Morra, Chief Data Scientist at ZEFR
Matt Holford, Engineering Director at Etsy
Zach Ozer, VP Engineering at Clubhouse
Heidi Helfand, Director of R&D, Excellence at Procore
Ron Lichty, Interim VP Eng at Ron Lichty Consulting
Andrew Fong, VP of Infrastructure at Dropbox
Rachana Kumar, VP Engineering at Etsy
Jean michel Lemieux, CTO at Shopify
Tim Buntel, CPO at CloudZero

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