Improving eBay's Development Velocity
Randy Shoup
VP Engineering and Chief Architect
“This session outlines eBay’s cross-organizational Velocity initiative to improve our ability to deliver value to customers. While the problem ultimately spans culture, organization, people, and technology, we focused our initial efforts on improving software delivery across the board, because eBay’s ability to deliver software rapidly, safely, and repeatably is a prerequisite for every other improvement. We also focused on modularizing and modernizing the architecture of one particular area of the site that is a bottleneck for numerous business initiatives.”
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How should an ideal organization look like? What approaches can help you to make your organization more efficient? Let's try to find answers together in our Structuring topic. Here we discuss problems of org design/team structure, process (agile/kanban, etc), engineering metrics, knowledge management/documentation.
Matthew Skelton, Coauthor at Team Topologies
Heidi Helfand, Director of R&D, Excellence at Procore
Jonathan Lenaghan, Director of Engineering at Datadog
Jon Morra, Chief Data Scientist at ZEFR
Matt Holford, Engineering Director at Etsy
Ron Lichty, Interim VP Eng at Ron Lichty Consulting
Heidi Helfand, Director of R&D, Excellence at Procore
Zach Ozer, VP Engineering at Clubhouse
Jean michel Lemieux, CTO at Shopify
Rachana Kumar, VP Engineering at Etsy
Andrew Fong, VP of Infrastructure at Dropbox
Colin Bodell, VP Engineering at Shopify Plus

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