Refocusing the business - and the podcast
Peter Bell
Founder & CTO
CTO Connection
We’re going to take a breath on the CTO Connection podcast for the next 3-4 weeks. When we first started the podcast, it was a “startup CTO podcast”. We’ve really enjoyed sharing the wisdom and experience of our guests on building and managing engineering teams at startups. However, we’ve seen over time that the challenges of running (say) a 5-20 person engineering team are very different from those involved when running a 200+ person org. And as many of our original startup CTOs have scaled their orgs to 200 people and beyond, we’ve decided to follow them. Because of that, we’re going to refocus the podcast, the content, the summits, and the community on “geeks who lead at scale” - senior engineering leaders in larger companies with 200+ full-time employees in product/engineering. In that way, we’ll be able to provide information that is more consistently tuned to one of the most challenging tasks out there - leading engineering orgs at scale. At the same time as we make the community more exclusive, we’re also going to make it more inclusive. Whether you’re running data, security, IT, or software development, there are many similarities when you’re working within a company of around 500 - 10,000 employees. I’ve been involved with a number of “CTO” clubs across the US and in each case, I’ve seen the benefits of having a range of roles (from CIO and CISO to CDO and CTO - as well as directors and VPs of Software, Platform, Data/Analytics, and Security), as many of the challenges are the same, and it means the community has deeper expertise in a number of key topics if a CDO wants to learn more about engineering best practices for their data team or a CTO needs a hot take on an AppSec challenge they’re facing. I am disappointed that - given our limited resources - we won’t be able to continue the focus on content specifically tailored to startup CTOs, but I look forward to refining our focus so we can scale our ability to share experiences and insights from and between geeks who lead at scale.
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How should an ideal organization look like? What approaches can help you to make your organization more efficient? Let's try to find answers together in our Structuring topic. Here we discuss problems of org design/team structure, process (agile/kanban, etc), engineering metrics, knowledge management/documentation.
Heidi Helfand, Director of R&D, Excellence at Procore
Matthew Skelton, Coauthor at Team Topologies
Jonathan Lenaghan, Director of Engineering at Datadog
Jon Morra, Chief Data Scientist at ZEFR
Matt Holford, Engineering Director at Etsy
Heidi Helfand, Director of R&D, Excellence at Procore
Ron Lichty, Interim VP Eng at Ron Lichty Consulting
Zach Ozer, VP Engineering at Clubhouse
Jean michel Lemieux, CTO at Shopify
Rachana Kumar, VP Engineering at Etsy
Andrew Fong, VP of Infrastructure at Dropbox
Tim Buntel, CPO at CloudZero

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