Beyond the four most common devOps metrics
Michael Stahnke
VP Platform
What does success look like when DevOps practices have been adopted beyond a few pockets of success and permeate through the company? Backed from practice and research, Michael will walk through metrics and models that deliver high amounts of satisfaction for engineers and customers using a product management mindset, carefully measuring ROI, and ensuring incentives are aligned across a large organization.
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Karim Butt, Cofiunder & CTO at GlossGenius
John Difini, VP of Technology at LT Trust
Rebecca Parsons, CTO at ThoughtWorks
Jay Zeschin, VP of Technology at Highwing
John Goode, Director of Engineering at TopstepTrader
Nofar Asselman, VP at Epsagon
Andrew Montalenti, Chief Product Officer at
Ben Sigelman, CEO and Cofounder at Lightstep
Tim Berglund, Sr. Dir. of Developer Advocacy at Confluent
Heidi Waterhouse, Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly
Will Maier, CISO at Even Responsible Finance, Inc
James Smith, CEO and Co-Founder at Bugsnag

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