Running a Culture Audit
Ellen Chisa
Founder in residence
Boldstart Ventures
Once you're at a company, it can be easy to overlook what the culture is really like for new engineers joining the team. This talk walks through how to step back to consider what's working in your culture, and what you might want to change.
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How should an ideal organization look like? What approaches can help you to make your organization more efficient? Let's try to find answers together in our Structuring topic. Here we discuss problems of org design/team structure, process (agile/kanban, etc), engineering metrics, knowledge management/documentation.
Tim Buntel, CPO at CloudZero
Ryan Neu, Founder at Vendr
Colin Bodell, VP Engineering at Shopify Plus
Mike Stahnke, VP Platform at CircleCI
Katie Womersley, VP Engineering at Buffer
Jason Warner, CTO at GitHub
Randy Shepherd, VP Engineering at Giphy
Alexandra Sobhani, Director Engineering at Signafire

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